Optimize schedules based on real-time availability.
Set your schedule planning & availabilities into Autopilot. Never worry about double booking. Let MioCommerce auto plan your team’s schedule & availabilities. MioCommerce instantly informs your customers and team members of any changes.
Display Real-Time availability right on your website
Block off Time with a single drag-n-drop
Update Availabilities by employee instantly
Display your availability in Real-Time & optimize customer bookings.
Now On-line customers & your Call-In booking agents can seamlessly schedule appointments based on your real-time availability. No worries of double booking! Your customers will love it! MioCommerce makes it incredible to believe!
You’re in total control! Work when & where you want.
MioCommerce’s advanced availability setting features makes it incredibly simple to set & update company operating hours, time between bookings as well as block of non-available hours for both the company or individual service provider. Just drag’n drop in your SMART calendar or in settings and your ready to go!
Real-Time Availability by service provider!
We’ve made managing each Service Provider’s availability extremely simple. Whether you centrally manage their availability or allow them to set their own work hours, setting or updating their real-time availability and non-working hours is a simple drag’n drop. And voila! Everyone is updated!
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All-in-1 solution to manage everything!
Customer & booking profiles
Save a ton of time creating, editing, rescheduling, or updating any customer or booking.
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