cleaning contracts
April 26, 2024

Cleaning Business Contract Template [With a Guide Inside]


We’ve created a comprehensive cleaning business contract template to make it easy for you to onboard clients. 

You can download the template below.

In addition, we’ve thrown in a detailed guide that covers everything you need to know about cleaning contracts. That way, you can confidently negotiate and protect yourself from being taken advantage of.

Let’s dig in.

What is a Cleaning Business Contract?

A cleaning business contract is a legal document that spells out the terms of service between a cleaning company (the contractor) and a client (sometimes referred to as the customer).

The contract clarifies the expectations of both parties. It outlines the cleaning services provided, schedule, fees, and other important details (more on that shortly).

A cleaning business contract is sometimes called:

  • Housekeeping agreement
  • Janitorial services agreement
  • Cleaning services contract
  • Maid service agreement

What’s Included in a Cleaning Contract?

A cleaning contract typically includes several key sections to ensure the cleaning company and the client are in harmony regarding the terms and conditions of the project.

Here are some of the main things included in the contract.

cleaning contract
  • Parties Involved: This section identifies the names and contact information of the cleaning service provider and the client. It also specifies the location of the property.
  • Scope of Work: This is one of the most important parts of the contract. It details the specific cleaning tasks, e.g., dusting, vacuuming, mopping, bathroom cleaning, etc. It also states cleaning frequency, e.g., daily, weekly, or monthly, and areas that need cleaning. 

 The description of the cleaning services here should be as straightforward as possible. That way, the customer and the independent contractor can understand what to expect.

  • Schedule: Here’s where the contract specifies the days and times the cleaning will take place. For example, the client may request housekeeping done on certain days at certain times. 

This section may also explain how to access the property and the areas the cleaners cannot visit. 

  • Pricing and Payment Terms: This part clarifies how much the client will pay for the cleaning services. 

It includes the total cost, any breakdown of charges (hourly rate, per-cleaning rate), and the payment terms (due date, accepted payment methods, late fees). 

Other things covered here include pricing for additional services or special requests.

  • Cancellation Policy: This part describes the procedure and any penalties for prematurely canceling services or terminating the contract.

It may also include notice periods required for cancellation and the process for resolving disputes or disagreements.

  • Liability and Insurance: The section explains each party’s liability in case of damage or injury that occurs during the provision of cleaning services.
  • Confidentiality and Privacy: This part addresses handling confidential or sensitive information during cleaning, especially in commercial or office settings. 

It ensures that the cleaning company agrees to respect the privacy of the client’s premises and information.

MioCommerce Live Pricing and Real-Time Booking Page

Creating a good cleaning contract can be time-consuming. But we’ve made it easy and seamless with our Live Pricing and Real-Time Booking Pages,

With this feature, you can:

  • Create unlimited insta-quote pages for your cleaning business. You can even include offline offerings or discounts to boost conversion.
  • Provide instant on-phone estimates to impress cleaning clients with contracts. 
  • Provide instant quotes via email, allowing you to capitalize on potential leads who may need more time to be ready to commit.

Our Live Pricing and Real-Time Booking Pages contain the information you need to create a cleaning business contract. 

Instead of manually drafting contract terms, the software has them ready, saving time for you and the customer.

Watch the video below for more insights on cleaning contracts.


“Alot of time, people will tend to take advantage if you don’t have a service agreement”

Katrina Johnson – Founder ‘Tenacity Clean’

When Should You Use a Cleaning Service Agreement?

A cleaning business owner needs a written agreement whenever they onboard a new client or renew their services with a current customer.

 You’ll create the contract and invite the customer to review the terms and conditions to see if they align with their needs.

You’ll also need a cleaning agreement for employees working full- or part-time for your business. 

Why Do You Need a Cleaning Business Contract? 

The agreement between a cleaning service and the client is crucial for several reasons. 

It Provides Clear Communication

A contract ensures that the cleaning service provider and the client understand the terms of the agreement. That way, it’s easier to work together without misunderstandings or disagreements.

It Offers Legal Protection

A cleaning contract protects the parties involved against unjustified suits.

Because the agreement defines the rights and responsibilities of each party, it serves as evidence of the agreed-upon terms in case of disputes or litigation.

It Establishes Expectations

The contract helps manage expectations by outlining the specific cleaning services your company will provide to the client.

It Demonstrates Professionalism

When you use a cleaning service contract, you show professionalism and commitment to quality service. The contract helps instill confidence in the client that your business is serious and dedicated to fulfilling its obligations.

It Prevents Miscommunication

Without a written contract, there’s a greater risk of miscommunication or forgetfulness regarding the agreed-upon terms. A contract is a handy reference point for the cleaner and customer.

It Helps Build Strong Business Relationships

Establishing clear terms and expectations upfront can help create positive and working relationships with your customers. The contract offers the framework for cooperation and mutual respect.

Cleaning Business Contract Mistakes to Avoid

cleaning contract mistakes snapshot

You should be mindful when creating your agreement, whether for residential or commercial cleaning services.

Here are some mistakes you should avoid.

Not Using a Template

While a cleaning contract is a legal document that must include all the relevant details, avoid writing one from scratch. A template will save you time while making sure you develop a legally sound document.

Not Consulting a Lawyer

A lawyer specializing in contract law can help ensure that the agreement adequately protects your interests.

In addition, the lawyer can help spot potential risks, draft enforceable clauses, and ensure that the contract accurately reflects the intentions of both parties.

Not Reviewing and Updating the Contract Regularly

Business needs and circumstances can change over time. Thus, periodically review and update your cleaning agreements to remain relevant and effective.

Unclear Terms

Ambiguous or vague language can cause misunderstandings or disagreements between you and the client. Besides, unclear terms can create legal vulnerabilities and loops for the client to exploit your business. 


How Do You Write a Cleaning Contract?

How you write a cleaning contract may vary depending on the services you’ll provide. However, some must-haves include the parties’ names, services, schedule, payment terms, contract duration, termination clause, and signatures.

How Do I Handle Disputes or Issues That May Arise During the Term of The Cleaning Contract?

To handle disputes or issues during a cleaning contract, establish a clear resolution process in the agreement. Also, encourage open communication and attempt to resolve conflicts amicably. If necessary, seek mediation or arbitration.

What Is the Simplest Form of a Contract?

The simplest form of a cleaning agreement is verbal. However, avoid verbal contracts as it can be challenging to prove the terms agreed upon or resolve disputes that may arise.

Cleaning Business Contract – Final Thoughts 

Every cleaning business owner needs a well-written business contract template. 

With a good template, you can quickly let the client know the terms and conditions of your collaboration, helping avoid unpleasant surprises down the line. 

As a rule of thumb, customize your template to fit the cleaning services you provide. Also, don’t forget to include a straightforward termination clause just in case the client is not easy to work with. 

Meanwhile, book a free demo below to see how MioCommece business tools can help grow your cleaning business and get more customers.