June 7, 2024

How to Advertise Your Cleaning Business [9 Expert Tips]


Figuring out how to advertise cleaning business is one of the best things you can do if you want to scale.

However, small business marketing can sometimes feel like you’re constantly spinning plates.

In theory, advertising your services should get you more cleaning clients. In practice, however, it’s somewhat tricky.

Running an advertising campaign for a cleaning company can quickly become expensive and time-consuming, so you need to understand how it works and what your options are.

Luckily, we have 9 advertising tips you can implement right now to capture new interests, establish an online presence authority around your cleaning company brand.

1. Build a Brand

A good logo and a vibrant color scheme are all you need to create a memorable cleaning brand, right? Wrong. 

With over 80% of customers saying they must trust a brand before buying, building a solid brand requires more than just a logo and color scheme.

Think about it – do you want to be known as the friendly, neighborhood cleaning service or the high-end, luxury cleaning experience? 

Your brand identity should resonate with your target audience, set you apart from the competition, and attract prospective clients.

Here’s how to create a strong brand for your cleaning services. 

  • Craft a Memorable Company Name: Your house cleaning business name is the cornerstone of your brand. Hence, you need to make it catchy, easy to remember, and relevant to what you do.
  • Choose a Compelling Slogan: A short, snappy slogan can reinforce your brand promise and stay in people’s minds. For inspiration, read our collection of 301 cleaning quotes and slogans for businesses.
  • Use Consistent Visuals: From your logo to your website to your social media graphics, maintain a consistent look and feel, as this builds recognition and trust.
  • Add Some Personality to Your Brand: Are you fun and approachable, or professional and efficient? Let your brand’s personality shine through in your marketing materials and customer interactions.

2. Create a Cleaning Website

How to advertise your cleaning business

Did you know that 75% of your potential customers judge your company’s credibility based on its website design? And that 80% of retail clients run an online search before buying? In addition, 57% of users will leave a website that doesn’t load within 3 seconds,

So, not only do you need a website to promote your cleaning business, but it needs to be fast, user-friendly, and informative.

Think of the website as your virtual storefront, open 24/7, where potential customers can learn about your services, see your portfolio, and book online.

Here are some things you should keep when designing your cleaning website.

  • Keep it Clean and Simple: Your website should be easy to navigate and have a clear call to action (like “Book Now” or “Get a Free Quote”).
  • Display Your Best Work: High-quality photos of your clean results can speak volumes about your expertise.
  • Testimonials Build Trust: Share positive reviews from satisfied customers to build credibility and social proof.
  • Optimize for Search Engines: Make sure your website appears when people search for cleaning services in your area.

Speaking of having a cleaning website, MioCommerce offers customizable websites for small business owners eager to stand out.

Our websites run on proprietary themes and are optimized to help clients find your residential or commercial cleaning business.

3. Hop on Social Media

advertise your cleaning business

Your current customers and prospects hang out on social media platforms so you need to establish your presence there.

In addition, social media is a powerful (and often free!) way for local businesses to connect with clients and build a community around their brand. 

The point is that a cleaning business owner who is not on social media is missing an opportunity to attract new customers and interact with current clients.

Here are things to remember when using social media to promote your cleaning business

  • Choose Your Platforms Wisely: Focus on the platforms where your target audience is most active. A Facebook Business Page, Instagram, and Pinterest are often good bets for cleaning services.
  • Share Engaging Content: Post behind-the-scenes glimpses of your work, cleaning tips and hacks, and before-and-after photos.
  • Interact with Your Followers: Respond to comments and messages promptly, run contests, and ask for feedback.
  • Try Paid Advertising: Consider investing in targeted social media ads to reach a wider audience and connect with potential clients. 

4. Network, Network

Your network is your net worth, so they say.

Hence, you want to get involved in your local community and attend business networking events. You can also partner with other businesses that complement your services, like real estate agents, to bolster your marketing strategy.

In addition, consider joining online groups. While you’re here, connect with potential clients and other cleaning professionals. 

The bigger your network is, the easier it is to advertise your business to people interested in your cleaning services. 

5. List Your Business

How to advertise your cleaning business

Think about it: 92%of consumers use online directories to find local businesses, and 68% of these searches result in a purchase.

Therefore, being visible on platforms like Yelp and Google Business Profile allows you to advertise your cleaning business and can also attract new clients.

Tips for Listing Your Business in Online Directors 

  • Start with major players like Google My Business (essential for local SEO), Yelp, and Facebook Business. In addition, look for directories that cater to the cleaning industry, like HomeAdvisor or Angie’s List. You may also want to consider local directories often hosted by chambers of commerce or local news outlets.
  • Create a detailed profile with your business information, including name, address, phone number (NAP), website URL, and hours of operation.
  • Write a concise, keyword-rich description highlighting your unique selling points and cleaning services.
  • Select the most relevant categories and list your specific services to ensure you appear in the right searches.
  • Actively ask satisfied customers to leave reviews on your listed directories. You can even offer incentives like discounts or freebies. In addition, regularly check your listings for new reviews and respond promptly to both positive and negative ones. Thank customers for positive reviews and address any concerns in negative ones.
  • Optimize your profile for your local search listings to ensure your business is visible to your target market

MioCommerce has a dedicated solution, making it easy to list your cleaning business across major platforms including  Google, Facebook, Yelp, and more.

6. Get Referrals

how to advertise your cleaning business

Your happy existing customers are your best brand ambassadors. 

So, encourage them to spread the word about your services by offering referral bonuses or discounts. A simple “refer a friend” program can go a long way in generating new leads.

Here’s how to start a referral program to get new cleaning clients.

  • Deliver what you promise: A customer is likelier to share about your cleaning service after a positive experience. So, provide quality service and go the extra mile if need be.
  • Request for a Referral: Ask your customers for a referral. You can, for instance, provide referral cards or a simple online form for customers to share with their friends and family.
  • Monitor the Program: You should track results using business cleaning software to determine if your program is working and which clients are bringing the most referrals.

7. Distribute Flyers

While digital marketing is essential, don’t underestimate the power of good old-fashioned flyers in cleaning business marketing.

You only need to remember a few things.

  • Make Sure Your Flyers Have Eye-Catching Design: Use a clean, professional design that highlights your key selling points and contact information.
  • Targeted Distribution Works Best: Focus on areas where your ideal customers will likely be. You can, for instance, post them on community bulletin boards, at real estate offices, etc.
  • Include Special Offers: Include a discount or special offer to incentivize potential customers to give you a try.
  • Include Your Details: Ensure your flyers have your company logo, business name, type of cleaning services, and contact details.

Creating flyers to promote your cleaning business is easy. You copy one of the many free online templates or use a designing tool if you have the skills.

8. Show up on Search Engines

Google snapshot

When someone searches for “cleaning services near me,” you want your business to be at the top of the results. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes in.

Why is it so important?

 Because 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine, and 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results. Hence, securing a top spot is crucial for attracting new customers.

Here’s how to make SEO work for your cleaning business:

  • Keyword Research: Using tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush, identify terms potential customers use, like “house cleaning” or “maid service.”
  • On-Page Optimization: Publish high-quality content with cleaning tips and industry insights, incorporating keywords naturally. Use engaging titles and meta descriptions with target keywords.
  • Technical SEO: Make sure your website loads quickly, as slow-loading sites can negatively impact your ranking. In addition, make sure your cleaning website has an SSL certificate for security.

If you have some advertising dollars to spare, consider investing in digital advertising platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads. 

Digital ads allow you to advertise cleaning services to specific demographics, interests, and locations to increase your business’s reach.

How to Run an Effective Cleaning Service Ads Campaign

Set a Budget

Determine how much you’re willing to spend on digital ads. You can start small and gradually increase your budget as you see results. However, setting a daily or monthly limit is essential to avoid overspending.

Choose Your Platforms

Common ad platforms for cleaning businesses include:

  • Google Ads: Your ads appear on Google search results pages and relevant websites, allowing you to reach people searching for cleaning services.
  • Facebook Ads: Social media advertising enables you to reach prospects based on their interests and can be great for targeting specific audiences, such as homeowners, renters, or other local businesses.

You may also consider exploring other options, such as LinkedIn Ads (for targeting businesses) or Pinterest Ads (for reaching new customers interested in home improvement).

Run Targeted Campaigns

For Google Ads, you want to focus on relevant keywords related to your cleaning business (e.g., “house cleaning,” “maid service,” “carpet cleaning”).

On the other hand, use Facebook ads to target users based on their interests (e.g., home decor, DIY projects), demographics (e.g., age, location), and even life events (e.g., new home purchase).

In addition, you’ll want to show tour ads to people who have previously visited your website or engaged with your social media content. This can be a powerful way to re-engage potential customers.

Write a Compelling Ad Copy and Design

Write ad copy that quickly communicates your value proposition and includes a strong call to action (e.g., “Book Now,” “Get a Free Quote”). In addition, use high-quality images or videos in your ads.

As a rule of thumb, run A/B tests to see which ads work best.

Track Your Results

Monitor key metrics, like impressions, clicks, conversions, and return on investment (ROI). Then, analyze these insights to identify what’s working and what’s not. Use this information to optimize your campaigns for better results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Do I Say to Advertise My Cleaning Business?

– Highlight your services, reliability, and professionalism.
– Mention special offers or discounts, your satisfaction guarantee, and eco-friendly products.
– You can also include positive customer reviews and your experience. 
For example, “Trust us for a spotless home! We offer professional, eco-friendly cleaning services. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Book now and enjoy 20% off your first service!”

How Do I Advertise a Cleaning Business Online?

– Create a professional website with service details and contact information. 
– Use SEO strategies to improve search rankings.
– Leverage Google Business Profile for local visibility. 
– Run targeted ads on Google and social media platforms.
– Collect and display customer testimonials to build credibility and trust.

How Do I Market My Cleaning Business on Social Media?

– Share before-and-after photos, cleaning tips, and client testimonials.
– Use engaging content like videos and stories.
– Run promotions and giveaways.
– Engage with your audience through comments and messages.
– Use targeted ads to reach potential customers. Collaborate with local influencers for broader reach.

The Bottom Line

Advertising your cleaning business doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

You only need to have a solid advertising strategy to can attract new customers, build your brand, and grow your business.

Remember, consistency is key. Keep experimenting with different advertising strategies to find what works best for you and your target audience.

That said, MioCommerce offers all the tools you need to increase your business’s visibility, win more customers and boost your bottom line.

Book a demo below to talk to one of our experts and discuss how MioCommerce can help enhance how you advertise your cleaning business.