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May 31, 2024

Where Can I Advertise My Cleaning Business for Free?


This post unveils 12 places where you can advertise your cleaning business for free. 

That’s right.  You don’t need an unlimited marketing budget to reach new cleaning clients. 

Sure, advertising your cleaning service isn’t optional, especially for small businesses. But it doesn’t have to be a huge financial investment, either. 

Here are some of the best places to advertise your cleaning company for free.

1. Social Media Platforms

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There are around 5.07 billion social media users across all platforms, which is about 62.6% of the global population!

With such stats, it’s a no-brainer that social media is a powerful advertising channel for your cleaning business. First, social media provides a wider reach and is cost-effective. On top, it allows you to engage directly with potential customers.

Here are some of the most effective social media platforms to advertise cleaning services to prospects and existing clients without spending a dime. 


Facebook boasts 3.5 billion active users per month making it great for marketing your cleaning business locally. 

Create a business page to post updates, share before-and-after photos, and engage with potential customers. 

You can also join local community groups where you can post about your services, respond to cleaning-related queries, and participate in discussions.

Pro Tip: Host a live Q&A session or cleaning demonstration to engage your audience and showcase your expertise.


37.74% of the 5.3 billion active internet users regularly access Instagram. 

And because Instagram is a visual platform, Share high-quality images and videos of your work, cleaning tips, and behind-the-scenes content.

Use relevant hashtags to reach a broader audience and engage with local influencers who can help promote your services.

Pro Tip: Utilize Instagram Stories to provide daily cleaning tips or quick tutorials. Highlight satisfied customer testimonials to build credibility.

X (Formerly Twitter)

twitter ad

X (formerly Twitter) doesn’t have a massive number of monthly active users. 

However, the platform’s 500 million monthly users are an audience big enough to advertise your commercial or house cleaning business.

Twitter is great for quick updates. You can use it to share cleaning tips and promotions as well as interact with potential cleaning clients. 

In addition, use trending hashtags to increase your visibility.

Pro Tip: Run a contest asking users to share their best cleaning hacks for a chance to win a discount or free cleaning session.


LinkedIn is an excellent platform for a cleaning business owner to connect with decision-makers. It is also an invaluable resource for building professional relationships and finding potential commercial clients. 

Furthermore, you can use LinkedIn to catch the attention of prospective clients through informative content.

2. Local Online Directories

97% of consumers search online for local businesses. Thus, you’ll want to ensure your cleaning business is accurately listed on relevant directors to capture local customers.

Free directories local businesses can use include:

Google My Business

In addition to social media advertising, you can use Google My Business to generate leads without draining your budget. 

In addition, claiming and optimizing your Google My Business listing is crucial for local Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It helps your cleaning appear in local search results and on Google Maps. 

Pro Tip: Encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews. Customer testimonials help boost your credibility and visibility.


Yelp is another directory for local businesses where you can advertise your cleaning business for free. 

To get started on Yelp, set up a detailed profile that highlights your cleaning company’s offerings and contact information. 

Furthermore, you can use Yelp to ask customers to leave reviews. Respond to both positive and negative reviews to show that you value customer feedback and are committed to quality service.

3. Online Communities and Forums

online forums to advertise your cleaning business for free

Building an online community can be effective in promoting your cleaning company, with 64% of marketers saying they use it as part of their marketing strategy.

Online communities and forums you can use to reach ideal clients looking for cleaning services include:


NextDoor is a neighborhood-focused social network where you can connect with local business owners. To advertise cleaning services on NextDoor, create a business profile, and actively participate in discussions. 

Pro Tip: Offer a special discount for NextDoor members or create posts about local events and tie in your home or commercial cleaning business as a sponsor.


Reddit has numerous community forums (subreddits) where you can subtly promote your cleaning services. Participate in discussions related to cleaning, home improvement, or local events.

Pro Tip: Share your expertise by answering questions and providing valuable advice. Mention your business only when it’s relevant to the conversation.

4. Content Marketing

Content marketing is an excellent way to increase your cleaning business’s visibility and reach ideal clients without spending money.

Some content marketing strategies you can use to advertise your cleaning business for free include:


Start a blog on your website where you can share cleaning tips, DIY guides, and industry news. Blogging helps position your brand as an authority in the cleaning industry and improves your website’s SEO.

Tip: Share your blog posts on social media and in your email newsletters to reach a wider audience.

Guest Blogging

Write guest posts for popular home improvement and lifestyle blogs. In exchange for your content, you’ll usually get a byline with a link back to your website, which can drive traffic and improve your SEO.

Tip: Offer to write a series of posts to build a relationship with authority industries and establish yourself as a regular contributor.

There are numerous free directories where you can list your business.

Some popular options include Yellow Pages, Yelp, Houzz, and Manta. The idea is to list your cleaning service in as many local directories as possible to reach as many new clients as possible. 

5. Email Marketing

While email marketing isn’t necessarily free, it’s a super cost-effective way to advertise your cleaning business. 

Think about it — email marketing boasts a $42 ROI for every $1 spent, making it a good channel for lead generation without leaving a hole in your budget. 

One of the best ways to market your business using this strategy is to send email newsletters to your current clients and prospects. 

To do this, collect addresses from website visitors and customers to build an email list. Then, send regular newsletters with cleaning tips, special offers, and updates about your business.

Pro Tip: Segment your email list to send targeted messages based on customer preferences and behavior.

6. Video Marketing

8 in 10 customers say that they’ve been convinced to buy after watching a brand’s video, underscoring the power of video to influence purchasing decisions.

Some video platforms you can use to advertise your cleaning business include:


Create a YouTube channel for your cleaning business. 

Post videos showcasing your cleaning process, before-and-after transformations, and cleaning hacks. YouTube videos can reach a wide audience and help build your credibility.

Pro Tip: Collaborate with other local businesses on video content to cross-promote your services.


TikTok is a rapidly growing platform where you can post short, engaging videos. 

Share quick cleaning tips, product recommendations, and time-lapse videos of your cleaning projects. Use popular music and hashtags to increase your reach.

Pro Tip: Participate in trending challenges to gain visibility and engage with the TikTok community.

7. Partner with Local Businesses

Your current customers and new clients aren’t the only ones who can support cleaning businesses. 

So, form partnerships with local businesses that complement your services. For example, real estate agents, property managers, or home improvement stores might allow you to leave brochures or business cards in their offices.

You can find local businesses you may want to partner with through:

  • Networking Events: Attend local business meetups or Chamber of Commerce gatherings to interact with cleaning business owners.
  • Social Media Outreach: Engage with cleaning businesses through platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook to build relationships.
  • Trade Shows and Exhibitions: Participate in industry-specific events to connect with local cleaning service providers.
  • Cold Calling or Emailing: Reach out to potential partners directly via phone or email to initiate conversations.

8. User-Generated Content (UGC)

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6 in 10 consumers think UGC is the most authentic content marketing, sentiments echoed by 75% of marketers. 

Some UGC strategies you can implement to promote your small business include:

Customer Testimonials

Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences on your website and social media pages. User-generated content builds trust and provides social proof of your services.

Pro Tip: Create a hashtag for your business and ask customers to use it when posting about their experience.

Contests and Giveaways

Run contests and giveaways where participants must share your page or post about your services to enter. This can increase your visibility and engagement on social media.

Pro Tip: Make the prizes relevant to your business, such as a free deep-cleaning session or a gift basket of cleaning supplies.

9. Online Classifieds and Forums

42% of consumers report using online classifieds in the past month to search for local businesses and services. 

These stats suggest online classifieds remain a relevant channel for attracting customers seeking local services like cleaning.

Join local forums and classifieds like Freecycle or specific community-based sites. Look for discussions related to cleaning, home maintenance, or local businesses. 

Engage in conversations by offering valuable insights and answering questions. Then, when appropriate, subtly promote your cleaning service to potential clients.

You can also post free ads on Craigslist under the services section.

You only need to ensure your ad includes a compelling headline, a detailed description of your services, and your contact information. In addition, update your ad regularly to keep it at the top of the listings.

10. SEO

SEO as a way advertise your cleaning business snapshot

Organic search drives 53% of website traffic. Investing in SEO is, therefore, essential for ensuring your cleaning business is discoverable online.

Optimizing your website for search engines involves using relevant keywords, creating quality content, and making sure your site is mobile-friendly. 

The idea is to achieve higher search engine rankings to drive organic traffic to your site.

Pro Tip: To attract local customers, use local SEO strategies, such as including your city or neighborhood in your keywords.

11. Local Community Bulletin Boards

Local community centers, libraries, and coffee shops often have bulletin boards where you can post flyers for free.

Here are some tips for using local community bulletin boards to promote your cleaning business to new customers who live and work nearby

  • Design eye-catching flyers with bright colors, company logo, and creative text to grab attention.
  • Include tear-off tabs with your phone number, email, website, and social media handles.
  • Think about the target audience that frequents each location. Then, customize your flyer content to appeal to the prospect’s interests and needs.
  • Check the boards frequently and replace any faded or outdated flyers. Keep your information fresh and engaging.

12. Vehicle Signage

You can turn your vehicle into a moving billboard by adding professional signage that displays your business name, logo, contact information, and services offered. 

That way, every trip you make around town becomes an opportunity to advertise your commercial or residential cleaning business for free.

In addition, when you’re not driving, park your vehicle in high-visibility areas where potential customers will likely see it —this could be near busy shopping centers, parks, or community events.

Tips to Help You Succeed with Free Marketing

Tips to help you succeed with free marketing

Be Consistent 

Consistency in your marketing efforts is paramount. 

So, regularly update your social media pages, online listings, and other promotional platforms. That way, you can maintain your business’s visibility and keep it top-of-mind for potential customers.

Quality Over Quantity

While consistency is important, ensure that the content you share is high-quality.

Poorly written posts, low-quality images, or unprofessional behavior online can harm your brand. Take the time to create engaging, informative, and visually appealing content.

Engage, Engage, Engage

Interaction is a vital part of free advertising. Respond to comments, answer questions, and engage with your audience on social media and other platforms. 

Engaging with your target audience builds trust and nurtures a sense of community around your brand.

Track Your Efforts

Even if your marketing is free, it’s essential to track the effectiveness of your campaigns. 

You can use tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and other tracking tools to see what’s working and what’s not. When you have the data, you can adjust your strategies and maximize your results.

What to Include in Your Free Promotions

When creating free promotions for your cleaning business, ensure that your advertisements are informative and visually appealing. 

Here’s a breakdown of what to include to make your promotions effective and engaging:

  • Business information to make it easy for potential customers to reach out to you.
  • You offer specific cleaning services to attract customers looking for particular cleaning needs.
  • Pricing or free estimates if available. 
  • Unique selling points: Do you use eco-friendly products? Are your cleaners highly trained and certified? Do you offer flexible scheduling? 
  • Call to action: Show potential customers how they can book your services or request a free estimate — this could be through a phone call or an online booking system on your website.
  • Post your content on the channels that your potential clients most frequent to maximize exposure and engagement.
  • Keeping it simple: Focus on the most critical information: your company name, the primary service, standout offers, and contact details.
  • Direct prospects to more information: Use Phrases like “Visit our website for a free quote” or “Follow us on Facebook for tips and offers” to drive traffic. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Do I Write an Advertisement for a Cleaning Service?

When writing an advertisement for a cleaning service, you want to highlight your offer, rates, contact info, and unique selling points. In addition, ensure your ad reflects your company values and is visually appealing.

How Do I Get Leads for My Cleaning Business?

Enhancing your social media presence, distributing business cards locally, and joining community groups can help you get leads for your cleaning business. 
You can also network with businesses within your service area for referrals. 
Read our post on how to get clients for a cleaning business for more tips

How Do I Announce My Cleaning Business?

You can introduce your cleaning business by making a strong first impression. Read our post on how to introduce your cleaning business to learn how to impress prospects.

The Bottom Line

Done right, marketing your cleaning business can be an excellent way to generate more leads, attract new clients and grow your bottom line. 

And like we’ve seen in this post, you can advertise your cleaning service without a hefty budget. 

Still, make sure you choose the right channel to reach your target audience on platforms where they spend most of their time. 

At this point know how to market your cleaning business for free.

Now see how MioCommerce can help you manage your workflows to keep your customers happy by booking a free demo below.